Archery Club

Archery Club is intended as a safe and fun activity for all university staff and students to practice and improve their skills with a bow. Come to as many, or as few practices as you would like. No experience is necessary. Beginners to professionals are all welcome!

The Archery Club provides all necessary equipment to club members, although every archer is welcome to bring their own equipment. If you are interested in getting your own gear and would like advice about the best equipment to get to fit your archery skills, feel free to contact any member of the Archery Board or talk to one of the team members at practice.

Practice each night is led by a club officer and a rangemaster. The club officer is trained to teach new archers how to shoot a bow. Complete beginners are welcome to attend any regular practice to receive instruction. Your first two practices do not require dues, so come to practice and try out archery. That's the first step to becoming a member of the organization!

For emails about practice times and announcements, subscribe to our listhost with your university email. If the website does not work well (as it often does not), please email and ask to be added to the listhost by a web administrator.

Please see the Club Practice Schedule for the weekly scheduled range times, including special practice times during summer quarter.