The Archery Team is intended for university members who want to take archery as a serious team sport. However, no previous experience in target archery is necessary. Beginners to professionals are all welcome! Team members will have the opportunity to travel and compete with other college archery teams and regional archers alike. Additionally, members will be instructed by a professional archery coach.
Once on the team, members are expected to attend at least 2 hours of practice per week in addition to mandatory Saturday practices. Additionally, team members are expected to range master for 2 club practice sessions per quarter.
Please note that there is a cap on team membership for people who do not have their own equipment. At the beginning of each quarter, we will hold team tryouts where a team is selected based on skill, enthusiasm, dedication, and sportsmanship. Each quarter we take on new members, and up to now have never had to turn away returning members. If you have your own equipment, you will still have to try out, but are guaranteed a spot on the team. There is available storage space for your personal archery equipment in our closet next to the range, although you will only have access to the closet during scheduled archery practice. Please email the archery board if you have any questions or speak with a rangemaster at any practice.
The team listhost,, provides practice and tournament information. Subscriptions to the team listhost can only be made after joining the Archery Team. If you are a team member and are not currently on the listhost, please speak to a member of the Archery Board.
Please see Team Practice Schedule for team practice times.